SPPC Youth Group
Every Tuesday from 6:30 - 8:00pm
Welcome youth students and young disciples! We have a weekly group for 6th-12th grade, where we learn how to follow Jesus, love each other, ourselves, our community, and most importantly, God! So if you are interested in personal growth, in volunteering in your community, and in making friends and having fun, we’d love to have you! Jump right in!
Community Dinner served before group at 5:30 PM

Daniel Roberts
Youth Director and Head of Awesomeness
What could be said about Daniel Roberts? He likes to sing. He likes to dance. He likes worshipping Jesus with his saxophone and a smile, and he LOVES seeing young folks of all flavors grow into who they are called to be.
Daniel is in a long line of Shadle Youth workers who got connected to Shadle through Whitworth University, and after two years of volunteering in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps NW, decided to come back to the church who was his home and sanctuary in Spokane.
Daniel can be reached by email or phone for coffee & tea, scheduling, or questions!
drbroberts1@gmail.com | 509.218.2234

Christian McKinney
Youth Leader
The Man. The Myth. The Legend.
Christian has been working with youth at Shadle for EIGHT YEARS and has weathered moose, all-nighters, and the rambunctiousness of teenagers with the goofiness and grace that only God can provide.
A Whitworth grad, Christian can be found teaching theological concepts with clarity, hanging out with kids at the YMCA, and working alongside organizations to combat Spokane’s housing crisis and meet anyone, housed or unhoused, where they are at.
christian26mckinney@gmail.com | 503.347.2407

Justine (Jess) Beschta
Youth Leader
Jess? Justine? Justineth? Who knows! But even if we don’t know what name she’ll go by today, we do know Jess is one BOMB youth worker!
A citizen of the world, Jess has traveled to Australia, Japan, England, Ireland, Fiji, and many many more places. Even Idaho! She can be found picking up innumerable skills, instruments, and techniques; swing dancing, long boarding, graphic design, coding, and of course, loving on her Shiba-Inu bear boy, Mozzie!
Catch Jess on the flip-side and schedule a time to hang out!
jess.shadleparkpres@gmail.com | 509.217.1789

Courtney Durrant
Youth Leader
Contact with US
If you'd like to reach out, are interested in volunteer opportunities, or have general questions, we'd love to hear from you.