Love Jesus | Serve Others | Care for Creation
At Shadle Park Presbyterian we are joining Jesus daily in loving our neighbors; caring for God’s creation; and serving our community.
Worship starts at 11am
Good coffee and warm conversation to follow

After School Drop-In 3:00pm
Dinner Served at 5:30pm
Youth Group from 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Free Child Care
Shadle Park Pres is a community of faith rooted in the love of God, and nourished by the enlivening presence of the Holy Spirit. We believe worship is not just an hour we spend together on Sunday mornings, but a way of living. We are a church that affirms the giftedness and welcome of all people. We seek to be shaped by the expansive love of Jesus as we are guided by a deep commitment to God’s Word. We are not perfect, and are well aware. But, growing in dependence upon God’s grace, we make this journey of faith together. There is always a place for you to worship, pray, and serve with us.
Services are streamed every week! If you can't join us in person, follow one of these links to stream from anywhere you are!
We also offer Zoom as a call in option if desired.

​Upcoming Events

Serving the Community
One of our ministries at SPPC is maintaining the Little Free Pantries on and around our campus, one on Alberta and one on the corner of Rowan and Cochran. Check this map for the location of pantries throughout Spokane.